

Saturday 10 March 2012

Spring 2012.

Well, assignment 3 has been submitted and I'm really happy with my progress in the course so far. I find that I am very 'Photography' lately. I have recently photographed another friends wedding and I must say that I'm so happy with the images. I was happy with the family wedding i did in december but this one, even more so. The images were beautiful and boosted my confidence a bit.
I have also been doing work for a music website who I am currently in a trial period for becoming an intern photographer for. Have done one gig for them so far with another scheduled for two weeks time. Another friend has also asked me to photograph her wedding next year so I feel like things are moving really well with it all.
I am working hard at the moment and although busy and unpaid, it's really fulfilling.

Here are the images I took for that first gig, all up on the website. Will post anything else I'm upto as and when.

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