

Saturday 28 January 2012

Latest news.

Wow, I seem to be so busy with a million things going on at the moment, haven't posted in quite a while. But I do have some great news to report.

I have received my 'The Art of Photography' result and I passed!!! So I'm really happy with that and can stop worrying about it while I continue on with this course. I'm just completing the final tweaks to assignment 2 following my tutor report and then I will crack on with Part 3.

Also, I applied to be a photographer intern for an alternative music website and have been selected to undergo a 'trial' period :) Which is really great news and means that I'm going to have a very busy 6 weeks but no pain, no gain right?! So will keep you posted on that as and when.

Good start to 2012  :)

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